Michelle Clopton was interrogated by CPD Detectives and notorious torturers,

Michael McDermott and James Boylan. Both have a significant history of abuse

complaints and negative credibility determinations.

McDermott yelled at her, spat on her, and insulted her; that he kicked her leg and

her chair, grabbed and forcefully turned her head, pulled her hair, pushed her

shoulder, and threatened her with the death penalty.

After 38 hours of brutality, insults, and threats Ms. Clopton “confessed” to

participating in the murder of Dora Cobb.

Her co-defendants were also tortured and “confessed”. They were all forced to

name each other. Kimberly Head testified that she was also subjected to coercive

interrogation similar to that alleged by Clopton.

Convinced by McDermott that she would be sentenced to death otherwise, in

desperation she took a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 60 years in prison.

The TIRC found that some of Clopton’s suppression testimony regarding coercive

tactics is credible, specifically her testimony about being refused an attorney, being

called a lying bitch, being held for 38 or more hours before giving a final statement

and being enticed with innuendoes (if not promises) of leniency to cooperate.

Ms. Clopton was 3 months pregnant with a co-defendant’s child when she was

arrested. She was 26 years old in a situation in which she may have suffered sexual

assault and drug abuse.

Source: Michelle Clopton TIRC Claim No. 2012.112-C


Action items:

● Call State’s Attorney and inquire about Clopton case which has been referred by TIRC to

the CIU, support vacating her conviction, mention pattern and practice of McDermott

and Boylan